The Hybrid Lab is work, event and experimentation space. It is where the Hybrid Plattform brings together various project partners, academics and scientists, artists and designers of UdK Berlin and TU Berlin. Since the summer term of 2021, it has therefore been almost entirely available to the cross-university master's program in Design & Computation.
Until the winter term of 2020, the Lab was the location for our Hybrid Talks, where people from the campus as well as external guests and the public at large can gather to give and listen to fascinating lectures and discussions. In addition, up to this point, the Hybrid Lab, as a neutral "third location" on the Campus Charlottenburg, offered the opportunity to exchange ideas across universities and disciplines.
The Hybrid Lab is located in the Villa Bell, the only surviving building of the Villa Quarter on the former Sophienstraße. In 1950, the Sophienstraße was renamed Bellstraße after the American inventor — also eponym of the Villa — and joined to the TU Berlin campus in 1963. The Villa Bell’s central location on the Campus Charlottenburg offers the Hybrid Plattform ideal conditions for various event formats as well as a suitable retreat for work and exchange in cross-disciplinary groups.
The federal program “Germany – Land of Ideas” has awarded the Hybrid Platform as one of the 100 projects among the “Landmarks in the Land of Ideas” in its 2016 nationwide contest.