Sonic Ecology, Soundscapes and Spatial Audio

Workshop in the Cross-Reality Space of the BOL with

Kirsten Reese (UdK, Composition) and Stefan Weinzierl (TU, Audio Communication)

Date: 27.6. 2024

Venue: Mixed-Reality-Lab of the Berlin Open Lab, Einsteinufer 43, Berlin

Time: 2 - 6 pm

In this workshop we practice listening selected environmental soundscapes, discuss theories about listening, environment and technology, and learn how to record and render soundscapes ourselves. Themes we will touch upon: history of acoustic ecology ("Listening as Doing" Murray Schafer und Hildegard Westerkamp) and their influence and importance today, what knowledge and insight can sound and listening offer? (Bernie Krause), bioacoustic research and theories, listening as social practise (Pauline Oliveros), and spatial audio techniques for loudspeaer and headphone reproduction. We will share thoughts and ideas about art works with sound and ways they could and deepen climate and environmental issues; recording and playback via headphones and loudspeakers (binaural methods, ambisonics, signal processing for spatialisation).


Prof Kirsten Reese is a composer and sound artist and heads the UNIK | Studio for Electroacoustic Composition, Sound Art and Sound Research at the UdK. She is a member of the artistic direction of the KlangKunstBühne at the UdK.

Prof. Dr Stefan Weinzierl is head of the audio communication department and the master's programme "Audio Communication and Technology" at the TU Berlin, as well as the technical-scientific part of the sound master's programme at the UdK Berlin.

Limited participation. Registration is requested at